US Water System for Anti-Scalant Injection Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems
- Child resistant lid
- Polyethylene construction is lightweight and rugged
- Translucent White
- Stainless Steel Screws
- Includes US Water Hyper-Guard Plus 7000 Anti-Scalant
- 35-Gallon Translucent White Tank: 19 x 19 x36 in
- 35 Pounds
- 5 GPD Pump
- 35 gallon tank
- 3 Connecting nuts (1/4″ or 3/8″)
- 3 Ferrules w/1/4″ & 6 mm OR 2 ferrules w/3/8″
- 1 Injection check valve (100 psi) OR (1) injection fitting (25 psi)
- 1 Weighted strainer
- 1 20′ Roll of suction/discharge tubing 1/4″ white
- 1 Spare pump tube
- 1 Mounting bracket
- 1 Installation and maintenance manual
Featuring the Classic Series metering pumps which are self-priming and the 3-point roller assembly provides a positive 2-point seal on the pump tube at all times. This eliminates the need for anti-siphoning valves and diaphragms. The patented mechanical feed rate control (adjustable models) allows the pump’s output to be scaled from 5% to 100% with the simple turn of the dial.
- Adjustable Output (GPD): 0.3 to 5.0
- RPM:44
- Motor HP: 1/30
- 6′ power cord attached
- Dimensions are 10″ x 6″ x 5.5″
- The Stenner 85MHP5 Pump uses a #1 Tube
- Peristaltic Design – self-priming, can run dry without damage
- Chemicals are metered without exposure to air
- Pumps gaseous solutions
- Accepts a variety of chemicals – refer to chemical compatibility guide
- All housings manufactured from Lexan Polycarbonate Plastic
- Manufactured in USA since 1957
Anti-scalant is shipped as a concentrated solution. This concentrated solution must be mixed with clean RO or Distilled water to the proper level for each system specifically. A water analysis and RO system flow rates must be used to figure the site specific mixture and dose rate. You must call1-800-608-8792and make arrangements to send your water analysis and flow rate info to our engineers to give you the site specific dosage and mixture. Over or Under concentrated solutions could damage the RO membranes.
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