US Water Systems has combined the benefits of it’s legendary BodyGuard non-electric, no waste, totally-green, whole-house chemical removal system with the cutting-edge technology of the GreenWave salt-free, non-electric, no waste, water conditioner. The result is a whole house water treatment and family protection system that delivers the cleanest water this side of heaven and water that protects your home plumbing system like no other.

85% of Americans are on Municipal or City Water…and they all have some things in common:
• Chlorine & Chloramine In the United States, municipal water is treated with chlorine or chlorine and ammonia (chloramine) and everyone knows these chemicals, as well as, Disinfection By-Products are not conducive to soft skin and good health; and
• Scale Formation Hardness is found in over 90% of the municipal water supplies and it wrecks havoc on pipes, plumbing, water heaters, energy costs, and wages warfare on your entire home, family, and everything that water touches.

Wherever your live in the USA, if you are on municipally-treated or city water, the GreenWave BodyGuard Total Home Water Protection System protects your family and your home from insidious water-related damage, without the use of salt, electricity or any wasted water.

Protects Your Home
The Bodyguard GreenWave system protects everything inside your plumbing system from limescale and damage to all your plumbing and appliances. Your home’s plumbing system consists of all the water lines, drains, faucets, valves, toilets, sinks, showers, baths, washer, dishwasher, and water heater.

Protects Your Family
Chlorine, chloramine, chemicals, pesticides, toxins and carcinogens are present in every municipal water supply. Some people are concerned about drinking water containing chlorine, chloramine and other chemicals. However, you absorb more through your skin and vaporization, and inhalation in the shower is dangerous for your lungs.

Protects Your Money
Protecting your family’s health and the health of your home saves you a substantial amount of money without flattening your wallet. Protecting your family’s health and the health of your plumbing system has never been easier than with the Bodyguard GreenWave System.

Protects Your Enviroment
Non-Electric System that operates with Zero Salt, and Zero Waste. A system totally-green, that protects the whole-house, and removes chemicals with the cutting-edge technology of the GreenWave salt-free, non-electric, no waste, water conditioner.
What’s Inside of the Combo?
1. Bodyguard The US Water Systems Bodyguard Water Treatment System provides chlorine, chloramine, chemical, and pesticide removal for the whole house. This efficient system uses no electricity and produces no wasted water.
2. Interceptor Filter Electro-Absorptive Nanofiber Filter Uses Mechanical Filtration And Electro-Adhesion to reduce or remove Sand, Silt, Sediment, Chromium 6, Bacteria, Cysts, Silica, Lead, and many other contaminants. The filter is designed to be replaced yearly.
3. GreenWave This is an Eco-Friendly Alternative to salt-based water softeners. The GreenWave uses “NAC” or Nucleation Assisted Crystallization to provide the most effective no-salt water conditioning process in the world.
4. Ultraviolet Disinfection System (Optional)

BodyGuard GreenWave
Stage 1 – KDF-55
The treatment process starts with passing the water coming into your home through a layer of NSF Certified KDF-55. KDF stands for Kinetic Degradation Fluxion. The use of KDF-55 results in the total elimination of some contaminants and a great reduction of a wide variety of others. KDF is a high-purity formulation of copper and zinc that reduces certain contaminants such as chlorine, bacteria, and heavy metals using a chemical process called redox (oxidation-reduction). This patented process creates an electro-chemical reaction which causes free electrons to be transferred between molecules, transforming harmful contaminants into harmless elements.
Chlorine, which is a harmful substance, is changed into harmless, water-soluble chloride, which is then carried through the water. Similarly, some heavy metals such ad copper, lead, mercury, and others, react to plate out onto the media’s surface, thus being effectively removed from the water supply. The use of KDF-55 ahead of granular activated carbon greatly extends the life and efficiency of carbon.

Stage 2 – GAC
The next step is passing the water through Coconut Shell Granular Activated Carbon or GAC. Our carbon is of extremely high purity and WQA Gold Seal Certified. In fact, it does not have to be soaked for 24 hours or rinsed – that’s how clean it is. Most of our competitors carbon filters produce “black water” for an hour or two. GAC is especially effective at removing chemicals such as chlorine.
Stage 3 – Catalytic GAC
Next, the water passes through a layer of Catalytic Activated Carbon which is also WQA Gold Seal Certified and extremely clean, requiring virtually no rinsing. The Patented Process used to make Catalytic Carbon is extremely effective at removing chemicals such as Chloramine. As a side note: If your city uses chloramine, you MUST use a blend of GAC and Catalytic Carbon to remove it. Using 100% Catalytic Carbon will diminish the life and efficiency of the system.

Stage 4 – Interceptor Filter
The Interceptor is “Disruptive Technology” that can remove Bacteria, Virus, Cyst, Tannin, Silica, Endotoxin… and more! Charged Zeta Filtration or CZF has a Zeta potential of 51 millivolts. A CZF cartridge retains bacteria, virus, cryptosporidium cysts and even tannin with its strong Zeta Potential. Unlike mechanical filters which rely on “pore size” the Charged Zeta Technology literally “secures” the contaminant. It is “absorbed” in a very real way. The filters have a long life and are easily replaceable. The Interceptor media conforms to NSF/ANSI 61 Certified by WQA
Stage 5 – SP3-NAC
This media inactivates hardness minerals by transforming them into harmless, microscopic crystals that stay suspended in the water and are passed through the system. The end result is chemical-free, high purity water which prevents scale without using any electricity, wasting water or using any salt. It provides the highest quality water at every tap in the house.
Are You Not Sure if a BodyGuard GreenWave is Right for You? Feel free to call one of our highly trained Certified Water Specialists. 800-608-USWA

What Type of Contaminants are Removed by the Bodyguard GreenWave?
• Chemicals – Chlorine, Chloramine, THM’s, PCB, TCE, MTBE
• Pre-Fluorinated Compounds – PFAS, PFOA, PFOS
• Pesticides & Herbicides
• Funky Tastes & Odors
• Plus it reduces the effect of Limescale without salt, electricity or wasted water
Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System
Eliminates Worry About Boil Alerts
Ultraviolet Disinfection has been the Gold Standard for Water Disinfection for over a Century. The Pulsar UV Disinfection System combines this standard with 21st Century Technology.
UV light has demonstrated effectiveness against pathogenic organisms, including those responsible for cholera, polio, typhoid, hepatitis, and other bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases.
This makes the Pulsar UV the method of choice to control and prevent microbiological (bacteria & virus) issues in water including E.coli, Cryptospordium and Giardia lamblia. Our UV system kills 99.9% of harmful pathogens, viruses, and bacteria to protect your home and family against contaminated water

Installation Kits
Not included
We have several installation kits, depending upon your plumbing. If you are not sure which one you need, contact one of our Certified Water Specialists to find out.
Who does the installation? Many of our customers install the systems themselves or have a friend or relative help them. We have great technical support, and are ready and willing to help you.
However, if you are not the installing type, then we have many plumbers across the US that we can refer.
Not sure what you should do? Contact one of our Certified Water Specialists for help 800-608-8792.









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