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Key Features & Benefits
A Green Solution – Many commercial RO systems are 15% efficient which means they waste six (6) gallons of water for every gallon they make, which’s very wasteful and very expensive. Our Defender RO is up to 80% efficient which means that it wastes only 1 gallon for every 4 gallons it makes
Commercial Pump and Motor – At the heart of this system is a Multi-Stage Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pump. All of our competitors use light-duty Rotary vane pumps and some even use (shudder) diaphragm pumps. Rotary Vane and Diaphragm Pumps offer no longevity in fact they frequently have to be replaced every 6 months or so. A true Commercial-Grade Centrifugal Pump will last many years
Panel-Mount Flow – Meters and pressure gauges with 316 stainless steel needle valves for precise control of production and wastewater
Highest Rejection Rates – Up to 99% rejection Defender Controller with TDS Meter Enables you to continuously monitor water quality
Best Warranty – Lifetime on tanks, and two years on all other parts (does not include consumables such as membranes, filters, and pump tubes)

Proper Pretreatment – It’s Essential
A reverse osmosis system with proper pre-treatment will last 15-20 years, while one without proper pre-treatment may be ruined in a few months. Our Defender RO System can be utilized for most water supplies with proper pretreatment, has two standard pretreatment options but can be customized.Call us for more details – (800) 608-8792
Components Of A Sustainable Whole House RO System
Step 1 A 5-Micron Pre-Filter which protects the solenoids, membranes, and pumps from silt, sand, and sediment is critical to any system and needs replaced every 6 to 12 months
Step 2 The Reverse Osmosis Process itself, which separates the dissolved contaminants from water. This process removes the widest spectrum of contaminants of any water treatment process
Step 3 Optional Re-mineralization and pH Neutralization. The Defender has a built-in Blending Valve so that you can adjust the TDS to the precise level you need.
Step 4 The Storage Tank is where the water is stored while awaiting delivery to the home. We use a 140-gallon tank is used (29″ x 58″ so that it fits through a 32″ door). If you need more than 140 gallons of storage, additional tanks can be manifolded together (up to four) or we can offer tanks of any size (not in stock). Includes a solid-state liquid level control float system. If you have two, three, or four tanks, you only need the liquid level control on the first one. The water level is the same in each tank. The tank(s) have a lifetime warranty because our tanks are built like no other. Compare others warranties
Step 5 The variable Speed Delivery Pump delivers up to 20 GPM at 60 psi to provide incredible pressure throughout the entire home
Step 6 The Ultraviolet (or UV) Disinfection System is the last step of the system. It kills any waterborne or airborne bacteria that might be in the system

Permeate Flush
The Permeate flush option for our RO systems can provide a membrane flush directly after shutdown. This flush option is called Permeate Flush because it uses clean water produced by the RO system (permeate or product water) to flush the membranes after shutdown. This is extremely effective when membrane life is going to be a problem. In cases where the dissolved solids of the feed water are elevated this is crucial to membrane life.
In some cases, one particular element such as silica is elevated, and permeate flush is used to make sure it is flushed from the membrane after shutdown. If concentrated solids are left in the membrane housings after shutdown they can precipitate (fall out) from the solution. When this happens the solids remain in the membrane housings until the RO system starts up again. This causes them to be pushed into the membrane instead of flushed as they would be during operation. The membranes eventually become clogged with these solids reducing the lifespan.
Pretreatment Options

Bodyguard Plus Chemical Removal Filter
Made for heavy-duty applications, the Bodyguard Plus Chemical Removal Filter is designed to provide the highest performance at the lowest maintenance cost. This filter uses premium Coconut Shell Granular Activated Carbon and Catalytic Carbon rated at 5 years or 1,000,000 gallons to remove chlorine, chloramine, and a plethora of chemicals and pesticides
Key Features
- Reduces or removes chlorine, chloramine, chemicals, and pesticides
- Eliminates tastes and odors
- No wasted water
- Uses all NSF & WQA Certified Components
- Easy installation – just 3 connections
- Highly durable commercial grade system
- Carbon lasts 5 years or up to 1,000,000 gallons
- 10 Year Parts Warranty

US Water Systems Anti-Scalant Injection System
Featuring the Classic Series metering pumps which are self-priming and the 3-point roller assembly provides a positive 2-point seal on the pump tube at all times. This eliminates the need for anti-siphoning valves and diaphragms. The patented mechanical feed rate control (adjustable models) allows the pump’s output to be scaled from 5% to 100% with the simple turn of the dial.
Key Features
- Peristaltic Design – self-priming, can run dry without damage
- Anti-Scalant prevents scaling and is rejected by the membranes
- Can be easily added without the need to lift heavy salt bags
- Manufactured in the USA since 1957
The water industry uses the RO System Production Rating as a standard and it is best suited for “perfect water conditions”, which is rare in any case. An ideal condition is specified as “water less than 2000 ppm TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) with a temperature of 77° F”. If your TDS is dramatically higher or your temperature is dramatically lower, the system production will be greatly impacted.
If your TDS is above 2,000 ppm, or you are in a region where your water temperature is lower or higher than 77° F you should consult with one of our Certified Water Specialists before selecting a system. Depending upon the TDS and incoming water quality such as iron, manganese, sulfur, and other contaminants, other pre-treatment options may be necessary, and 75% efficiency may not be practical. In most cases, permeate flush is paramount.
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